Website copywriter for creative high-end service providers

Copy that makes your website visitors say

Hell Yeah! 

Being great at what you do isn’t enough – you need to articulate it in a way ideal clients ‘get’.

As a website copywriter, I write copy that makes the right people excited to work with you, so you become in demand and grow your business faster

Meghan Downs SEO website copywriting services

Is your copy costing you sales?

Answer 10 questions to see if your website copy is attracting the right people – or putting them off.

Does this sound like you?

Your business is ‘doing okay’ but you want to start shining

You’re a coach, consultant, creative, or designer with big dreams and plenty of expertise, yet: 

You’re struggling to sign new clients

Enquiries are few and far between

Sales calls feel like hard work

The customers who already know about you think you’re awesome, but you’re struggling to attract new people… something about your marketing is falling flat… and it’s frustrating.

Instead of just being comfortable, you want to start thriving. 

The good news is, I can fix your messaging and bring your expertise and personality to life. 

As a specialist SEO website copywriter, I craft a message that connects to the hearts of your ideal customers, so they finally feel like they’ve found the right option and choosing your brand becomes a no-brainer.

Go from feeling invisible to becoming in-demand

Your unique talent and approach make it hard to explain what you do. But they shouldn’t be a burden – I believe your differences should be celebrated. 

I’m here to untangle what’s in your brain and articulate it in a way your customers ‘get’, while also capturing your personality, so your copy sounds like you.

The result? Your website copy makes people excited to work with you, builds trust, and creates a connection, making the transition from lead to paying customer seamless.

Nice things people have said about working with me…

“Meghan was very good at teasing out what I was trying to get at, even though I was not totally clear myself. She was lovely to work with, obviously knows her stuff, and genuinely cares about her clients.”

Elizabeth Ross

Well-being retreat facilitator, Illuminated Path

Meghan was recommended to me by another VA as I was finding it almost impossible to find time to create my own website text. From our first conversation, I found Meghan very friendly and professional. I was delighted with the results and would certainly recommend her.”

Margaret Unsworth

Virtual assistant, Desk 101

Hey I’m Meghan

a specialist SEO website copywriter

I work with people like you to explain what you do, finally showcase who you are (quirks and all), and get the right people to fall in love with your brand.

I know what it’s like to feel misunderstood as a business owner and not know the best way to sell yourself. It knocks your confidence, makes you question your talents, and feels downright depressing. 

I’ve been there. In my past life, I was a professional ceramic artist. If only I knew what I do now about marketing myself… I wouldn’t have struggled so much, that’s for sure (I was the artist cliché, skint living off tinned soup and beans for too long). 

So, now it’s my mission to help as many talented, creative, and quirky service providers shout about how awesome they are with copy they can be proud of.

Meghan Downs website copywriter

Three ways I can upgrade your website copywriting 

Whether you call yourself a designer, strategist, marketer, entrepreneur, practitioner, creative, or coach, if you help others with your specialist skillset, there are three main ways I can support you.

Pick which statement sounds most like you…

“I need a full copy revamp and want you to take the whole process off my hands”

Choose my signature SEO website copywriting services

Strategic ready-to-launch SEO website copywriting packed with personality.

I use my proven 5-step process to C.R.A.F.T. your message and you barely lift a finger. Perfect if you’re ready to take your business up a notch.

“I’m on a budget but need help polishing my current copy for better results”

Choose my done-with-you Copy Polish consultation service

Let’s improve your website copy together in an interactive 2-hour call.

Perfect if you have written everything yourself and need a second pair of eyes to spot improvements for specific parts of your copy.

“I want to learn copywriting techniques to apply to my business”

Browse my free resources to learn copywriting

Copywriting is a useful skill for all business owners.

I’ve created a range of free, handy resources will help you to get better at writing engaging copy yourself, so you can market your business with success.

Even more nice things people have said about me…

“My messaging is much clearer and I’m feeling confident about attracting my ideal client.”

Sarah Stewart

Time management coach

Meghan is always my first port of call when I need any help with copy. “

Vicky Labinger

Interior designer

Take the free copy quiz!

Is your website copy attracting or repelling the right people?

Find out:

Whether you’re attracting or putting off potential ideal clients

If you’re properly showcasing your authority and experience

If your copy is persuasive, driving people to take action

Ready to make more sales, grow your business, and achieve your dreams faster with awesome SEO website copy you can be proud of?

Well, what are you waiting for? Get your chat with me booked now…

Don’t worry…
I don’t bite.