Your business has changed, grown up, and adapted since your current version of website copy was written. Let’s face it – you either can’t even remember what it says, or you cringe every time you look at it.
So you’re wondering if it’s time to refresh your website copy and messaging… But as a busy business owner, you want to make sure it’s worth your time (and money).
To help make that decision, here are 10 common signs you need to refresh your web copy, and tips to improve it.
1. Your web copy tries to speak to ‘everyone’
Does your website copy directly speak to your target audience and their needs? Or does it try to cover a blanket, ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach?
If it’s the latter, the likelihood is your copy is too vague and in fact, doesn’t connect with anyone.
Many business owners struggle to get super specific when addressing their ideal customers for fear of putting people off. But to attract those dreamy, perfect-fit clients, you need to deter the wrong people, too.
So putting the wrong people off is a good thing – and if you’re not already doing so, it’s a great indication you need to refresh your web copy.
Instead, you want to go as narrow and specific as possible, so when the right people do see your web copy, they’re like ‘Hell yeah, this is the person for me!’.
2. Your website copy doesn’t showcase your results or expertise
Does your website show you have a track record of getting results? Or are you guilty of never asking for customer testimonials and neglecting your case study or portfolio page?
Testimonials can increase conversion rates on sales pages by 34%. So by not showing your latest reviews, you could literally be losing money.
Social proof comes in a number of different formats, including:
- Written reviews
- Video testimonials
- Detailed case studies
- Showcasing logos of your customers
- User-generated content from happy customers
- Screenshots of messages or emails from your clients
- Statistics of how many users/customers you’ve helped
Even if you work in an industry where confidentiality is an issue, there are ways around this. Instead, share a description of who you’ve worked with and the problem you’ve helped them solve without mentioning names. So, there’s no excuse not to have some social proof within your web copy.
To take this concept even further, you can incorporate voice of customer research into your core messaging – taking the words your customers use to describe your brand to refresh your web copy. This can be done through customer interviews where you ask questions, either by yourself or by partnering with a copywriter.
Is your copy attracting the right people?
Answer 10 easy questions to find out – it takes less than 2 minutes.
3. You’re getting traffic but aren’t getting ideal client enquiries
Do you regularly get ideal clients contacting you?
If not, but you are getting plenty of traffic, there’s something about your copy that’s not matching the website visitor’s expectations… or they’re not confident enough that your brand is the right choice for them.
This is a good problem to have, as a website copy refresh is likely going to help get more of those ideal client enquiries. You can work with a copywriter to identify the main issues and why your message isn’t resonating.
4. When people get in touch, they ask loads of questions
When people get in touch, do they ‘get’ what you do? If not, your website copy isn’t doing a good enough job of explaining what you do, who for, and why.
To save you from repeating yourself, your web copy should explain your process and set clear customer expectations. Not only does this help with converting prospects into customers, but it also saves you time and energy.
When you’re looking at refreshing your web copy, think about the questions you most commonly get asked, or the parts people don’t understand right away. Then work this into your copy, or work with a copywriter to get help!
5. If you cross your business name out of your website copy, it could be for anyone in your industry
Have you identified your unique selling proposition (USP) and is it clear in your website copy? When you say the same thing as others in your industry, people stop paying attention.
You need to highlight what makes you different from others in your web copy – or else it’s a race to the bottom.
People connect with people, so remember that when redoing your web copy. Showcase your brand personality, values, and broader vision and purpose. Those are the things that even if you technically do the same things as another company, you can show your differences.
6. Your website copy doesn’t represent ‘you’ as a brand
Do you feel like your website copy represents ‘you’ as a brand? Leading on from highlighting your USP, you also need to showcase your personality and what it’s like to work with you.
If a customer gets in touch after reading your web copy only to experience a completely different style of communication via email, in-person, or on the phone, it’s jarring.
When your message and tone of voice are inconsistent, it loses people’s trust. So, refresh your web copy to capture your brand personality and how you want to be seen in the eyes of your customers.

7. Your website copy isn’t SEO-friendly
Is your copy optimised for search engines, using relevant keywords, SEO titles, and meta tags? It might be that you aren’t getting any traffic to your website at all.
Even if you’re saying the right things, if no one can find your message, it gets lost in the ether…
You can work with a website copywriter (like me) to research and add keywords and search terms your ideal clients are using to optimise your website copy. I always focus on getting the balance right between SEO and customer-focused copy – readability come first.
Or you can conduct your own keyword research and follow on-page optimisation guides for website copy to improve what you already have.
8. Your website copy has outdated information and is gathering digital dust…
Do you regularly update your website so it stays fresh and relevant? It’s important to refresh your web copy so you don’t have outdated service pages or incorrect information.
If you can’t even remember what your website says, it’s time for a change…
Similarly, if you’ve been in business for a few years and you’ve created your signature packages, leaned into your expertise, and worked out exactly who your customer is, now is a great time to revisit your website copy. Tailor your copy to your business goals and aspirations.
9. Your website copy uses lots of jargon or technical terms customers don’t understand
Is your website copy clear and easy to read, avoiding jargon or technical terms? Unless your audience is also well-informed about that technical language, you could be putting people off.
Your potential customers don’t want to feel stupid, so if they don’t understand what you’re saying in your web copy, it’s unlikely they’ll call you to ask. They’re more likely to hit the ‘back’ button on their browser and head over to your competitor’s websites.
So to avoid that, refresh your web copy using plain English and commonly used words, keeping things as simple and clear as possible. It’s not about ‘dumbing it down’ for people… it’s about the fact that clarity always wins over ‘clever’.
10. Your website copy sounds different to other marketing channels
Is your brand message consistent across all your marketing materials? It’s time to refresh your web copy if you prefer the tone of voice and language you’re using on social media or emails versus your website.
Often, small business owners find it easier and more natural to fire off some social posts. Yet when they come to write their web copy, it becomes more formal and not ‘them’.
So if that’s happened to you and your message sounds different on different platforms, it’s time to bring it all in line to create a consistent experience. Inconsistency creates a barrier for customer trust and this could be unintentionally harming your business goals.
Test if your web copy is attracting or repelling the right people
If you’re still unsure whether you should refresh your web copy, take the free quiz created by me, a specialist website copywriter: Is your website copy attracting the right people?
By answering 10 simple questions, you’ll instantly get your copy score and discover which areas you need the most help with.
Then, if you’d like, you can come back to this blog again for help implementing the advice (or hire me to help!).
Get professional help to refresh your website copy
Rewriting and updating your website copy isn’t the simplest task, so if you’re unsure how to tackle it, get professional help from a copywriter. They can help you decide whether you need a quick refresh or a full rewrite – and make the changes for you.
If you’re a creative business owner, high-end service provider, or you do something a bit ‘different’, let me help you articulate what you do with copy that’s as awesome as you are.
Ready to attract your dream clients? Get in touch to book a free 20-minute strategy call to transform your website copy.
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Helping misunderstood creative business owners to capture their personality, connect with ideal clients, and sell themselves better.